Helping the City of Whittier in Love & Service


"As I served my country, so I serve my neighbors"

What does Fernando support?

Fernando is involved in a number of different charities and non-profits: First Day, Salvation Army, YMCA, Veteran support groups and many more. Fernando believes in people, organizations, business and non-profits who give more than they take. For this reason Fernando helped launch a group Future Leaders of Whittier. The mission of Future Leaders of Whittier is to cultivate Whittier leaders and promote philanthropy throughout the local community for current and future generations. Fernando helped started the group because he believes in developing and supporting leaders of character and investing in the next generation.

By supporting Lopez_4_Whittier you are supporting future leaders who desire to give back to the Whittier Community.

Member of Vet 2 Vet, Long Beach VA chapter

Volunteer mission trip to Mexico Orphanage

Volunteer mission trip to Mexico Orphanage

Volunteering at Veterans Parade in 2017

Volunteering at Veterans Parade in 2017

My wife Alexis at Mexico Orphanage

My wife Alexis at Mexico Orphanage

I started my 1st company at the age of 23. Here is a screen shot of an employee training. Learn more about how my company served the community by Clicking Here.

I started my 1st company at the age of 23. Here is a screen shot of an employee training. Learn more about how my company served the community by Clicking Here.

Founding Vice-President of Biola Veterans Club presentation. You Can see the video on YouTube, Click Here.

Founding Vice-President of Biola Veterans Club presentation. You Can see the video on YouTube, Click Here.

Whittier College class photo in Burma aka Myanmmar

Whittier College class photo in Burma aka Myanmmar

God’s Military & the war against Sin

The GOD I serve is the GOD of the Bible and arguably the same GOD that the Whittier Quakers followed. Unfortunately, there are many people in Whittier and in the Greater Los Angeles area who align themselves with the doctrines of the Progressive Democrat Movement. Those who identify as a Progressive Democrat typically, if not always, promote SIN & disregard the Biblical Commandments. For the Glory of Christ Jesus, I stand as a witness sharing with all parties, that GOD’s people are called to be Holy as HE is Holy.

Identifying as a FOLLOWER of Christ & as a Progressive Democrat

What people identify as does not determine or affect reality. There are many self-proclaimed Progressive Democrats who claim Christianity yet do NOT follow GOD. There are hundreds of Biblical points but I will stand on the third commandment: DO NOT TAKE THE LORD’S NAME’S IN VAIN, FOR THE LORD WILL NOT HOLD HIM GUILTLESS, WHO TAKES HIS NAME IN VAIN. My neighbors who claim Progressive Democrats and align themselves with the doctrines of the church of Progressive Democrats of America, you are following spirits that are leading people to disobey the Living GOD.

Progressive Democrats of America & Biblical Christianity

There were two kings who aligned themselves to take back territory from a shared enemy; 1st King Chapter 22. There were 400 prophets who did not follow GOD and they gave counsel to the kings about going to war. Every prophet claimed victory and that GOD would give them the land. These prophets did not follow GOD’s Commandments and did not read GOD’s Words but listened to a spirit sent by GOD to lead the wicked leaders to death and defeat. This is happening today! There are spirits tricking people, leading people in leadership positions to go to war. Unless the Progressive Democrats of America repent, confess their sins, and follow after GOD they will suffer the consequences of being an enemy of GOD.

I write this message in hopes that there will be a revival of men and women lost in the sin of American Politics. This is not a push for Republican or Conservative values but for Biblical, GOD honoring obedience.

As an American Veteran I appreciate and understand the cost of freedom. Thanks to those who have served in the US Military, Americans have the FREEDOM of religion, speech, press and the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government. The American people need to be cautious with our words, how we LIKE, SHARE, COPY & PASTE content online. That being said I created this image of Progressive Democrats of America & Biblical Christianity.

What the PDA, Progressive Democrats of America is doing, promoting abortion, same sex marriage, empowering criminals by removing consequences and attacking the police, is leading to more sin and disobedience.